
Cybersecurity Digest #23: 12/04/2021 – 23/04/2021

Cybersecurity News

  • The US administration approved a 100-day plan to protect electrical infrastructure from cyber threats from adversaries. This is stated in a statement by the official representative of the National Security Council of the White House, Emily Horne.
  • Microsoft has fixed a bug that could allow a threat actor to create specially crafted downloads that crash Windows 10 simply by opening the folder where they are downloaded. Microsoft has classified this bug as a DDoS vulnerability and is tracking it as CVE-2021-28312 with the title ‘Windows NTFS Denial of Service Vulnerability.’
  • Nato holds Locked Shields 2021 – cyber war games with hackers targeting fictional island nation. The drills involving 30 countries are meant to test Nato’s defences during a global pandemic that is making the world more dependent on virtual systems. Hackers targeted vaccine developers during the Covid-19 crisis and the US government was the target of a major cyber attack, which was discovered last year.
  • A joint advisory from the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) warn that the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is exploiting five vulnerabilities in attacks against U.S.


Cybersecurity Digest #22: 29/03/2021 – 09/04/2021

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Cybersecurity Digest #21: 15/03/2021 – 26/03/2021

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Cybersecurity Digest #20: 1/03/2021 – 12/03/2021

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Cybersecurity Digest #19: 15/02/2021 – 26/02/2021

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