
Cybersecurity Digest #28: 28/06/2021 – 09/11/2021

Cybersecurity News


Cybersecurity Digest #27: 14/06/2021 – 25/06/2021

Cybersecurity News


Cybersecurity Digest #26: 31/05/2021 – 11/06/2021

Cybersecurity News

  • PuzzleMaker attacks exploit Windows zero-day, Chrome vulnerabilities. According to Kaspersky, a wave of “highly targeted attacks” on several organizations was traced that utilized a chain of zero-day exploits in the Google Chrome browser and Microsoft Windows systems over April 14 and 15, 2021. The attackers have been named PuzzleMaker. The first exploit in the chain, while not confirmed, appears to be CVE-2021-21224, a V8 type confusion vulnerability in the Google Chrome browser prior to 90.0.4430.85.
  • Malicious actors are actively mass scanning the internet for vulnerable VMware vCenter servers that are unpatched against a critical remote code execution flaw, which the company addressed late last month. Mass scanning activity detected from checking for VMware vSphere hosts vulnerable to remote code execution.
  • The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) announced the availability of a new guide for cyber threat intelligence analysts on the use of the MITRE ATT&CK framework. The goal of the 20-page Best Practices for MITRE ATT&CK Mapping guide is to help analysts map attacker behaviors to the relevant ATT&CK techniques, both from cybersecurity reports and raw data.
  • Security researchers have discovered a new piece of malware called SkinnyBoy that was used in spear-phishing campaigns attributed to Russian-speaking hacking group APT28.


Cybersecurity Digest #25: 17/05/2021 – 28/05/2021

Cybersecurity News


Cybersecurity Digest #24: 26/04/2021 – 14/05/2021

Cybersecurity News

  • Babuk ransomware readies ‘shut down’ post, plans to open source malware. After just a few months of activity, the operators of Babuk ransomware briefly posted a short message about their intention to quit the extortion business after having achieved their goal. Unlike other gangs that chose to release decryption keys or even return the collected ransoms, Babuk’s final gesture is to pass the torch to others.
  • Google has announced the release of Chrome 90.0.4430.212 for Windows, macOS and Linux. The new update contains patches for 19 vulnerabilities, 15 fixes were contributed by external researchers.
  • Pradeo team has come across an advanced mobile attack campaign that uses a phishing technique to steal victims’ credit card details and infects them with a malware that impersonates the Android Google Chrome app. The malware uses victims’ devices as a vector to send thousands of phishing SMS. Pradeo’s researchers qualified it as a Smishing trojan.
  • Microsoft has released an open-source tool called Counterfit that helps developers test the security of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Microsoft has published the Counterfit project on GitHub and points out that a previous study it conducted found most organizations lack the tools to address adversarial machine learning.
